For tax calculation, Different countries have different tax rates for various products. Therefore, Tool4seller supports setting different tax rates for Japan and European MarketPlace to ensure accurate and convenient tax calculations.
Japan Marketplace #
2.You can calculate Advertisement Tax by clicking the button and set the tax rate.
3.If you need to set Advertisement Tax Rates of other time period, click on "Historical Advertising Tax Rat Settings." This option allows adjustments for tax rate changes due to Japanese local policies or your operational requirements.
European Marketplace(Take UK Marketplace as an example ) #
1.Find "Settings", and click "Tax Settings"
2.You can set the Tax Calculation based on your current tax handling situation
①If you are not required to pay taxes, set it to ”Do not calculate taxex."
② If you need to pay taxes but have not enabled the Tax Collecting and Remiting Service on Amazon, set it to “Calculate tax rate but not collect and remit."
③ If you have enabled the Tax Collecting and Remiting Service on Amazon, set it to ”Calculate tax rate and also collect and remit"