1.3.6 How to Cancel a Subscription from Tool4seller?

You can cancel a subscription for the next period on the "My Plan" page. Or contact us online or write to support@tool4seller.com for help. For example, if you cancel the Standard monthly subscription in May, this will take effect in June. Then you no longer enjoy the uses of the Standard plan.

Click the "Cancel Subscription".

Follow the instructions and make sure you want to cancel the subscription.

What happens after you cancel subscriptions from Tool4seller:

When you cancel a subscription you’ll still be able to use your subscription for the time you’ve already paid.

For example, if you buy a monthly subscription on Jan. 1 for $19.99 and decide to cancel your subscription for the next period:
1. You’ll have access to the subscription till the end of current period.
2. You won’t be charged for your next monthly subscription of $19.99.

About canceling subscriptions from Tool4seller:

1. Most subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel them.

2. If you click the cancel subscription button on tool4seller, your future subscription will be canceled. Your past subscriptions will not be refunded.

About tool4seller's refund policy:

  • You can request a refund within a period of 30 days beginning with the day after purchase.
  • We'll refund you the remaining months, minus the discount you received on the months you've already used in the annual subscription. Please note that the deducted monthly fee will be $19.99 as we offer you a discount over the a lower monthly subscription cost in annual plans.
  • An additional 15% service charge for the remaining portion is required. Tool4seller is not responsible for any charges that occur during the refund process.
  • We don't offer refunds for renewal payments.


You purchased a Standard annual plan at a price of $199, and you requested a refund after one month of the purchase.

Refund amount = $199 - $19.99 - ($199 - $19.99)*15% = $152.16

More questions, please contact support@tool4seller.com.