2.1.1 How to Connect My Tool4seller to My Amazon Seller Account by IRP?

What is Amazon IRP?

Amazon IRP (Integrated Registration Pipeline) is the quick way to authorize your Professional Amazon Seller Account to a third-party AWS provider without entering the develop ID or other information. (Only One Click Authorization.)

Is Amazon IRP Authorization Safe?

The Amazon IRP authorization is only allowed to be used by the third-party AWS provider (including tool4seller) Amazon approved.

How to authorize tool4seller by Amazon IRP?

There are 3 places to access the connection to your Amazon accounts page: #
Place 1: #

1. If you are new to tool4seller or haven’t given your access to tool4seller, you will see the below picture. Click the "Connect" button to begin to authorize your amazon seller accounts’ sales data to your tool4seller account.

Place 2: #

2. If you want to add more marketplaces or reauthorized tool4seller, you can use the drop-down menu in the bottom left corner under the user icon, find the Add more Merchant Tokens.

Place 3: #

3. Or open the view multi & single store button on the top.

Steps of connecting Amazon seller accounts: #

(1) You will see a blank window to fill in with the alias for your seller account, then select the correct marketplace to move to the next step.

(2) Select Start Connect.

(3) There will be a prompt window to jump to Amazon Seller Central page, then check the little box to agree and click next.

(4) Once you see this prompt window, it shows you authorized your Amazon seller account to tool4seller successfully.

More questions, welcome to contact us at support@tool4seller.com.