3.8 How to Use Keyword Library?

Table of Contents

Overview: #

Keyword Library is designed to help users save valuable keywords in Tool4Seller. You can collect high-value keywords from various keyword-related features and create customized keyword lists for different situation, building your exclusive keyword library. Additionally, the keyword library integrates with the AI Listing Generator feature, allowing quick and efficient creation of listings.

Supported features for collecting keywords include: Asin Keyword Insights, Keyword Rank, Product Analytics-Organic Keywords, Extension-Keyword Research and some other features.

How to use: #

1.Entrance: Market Insights - Keyword Library.

2.When no keywords are collected, you can manually create keyword lists and add custom keywords. These keywords will appear in“Keywords” and their search volume, search frequency rank, and other data will be automatically fetched.

3.Keywords collected from other features will also be shown in the “Keywords" section

4.If collected keywords include AI Keyword Extraction from the ASIN Keyword Insights feature, they will appear in the AI Keyword Extraction section of the Keyword Library.