As every seller have unique business model and understanding of data, it is inevitable that sometimes the current Business Analytics section can not meet their requirements. For example, summarize sales data of each employee (team member) across multiple stores, or include multiple sales metrics and traffic data into one report. Reports feature allows sellers to customize reports with 3 report types, 4 time periods, and nearly 30 sales metrics.
Users can customize report types and metrics based on their actual needs. Save custom reports and export anytime.
Entrance: Overview - Reports
1. Click Add Custom Report Template
2. You can select New Template or upload your report. Tool4sellerAI will automatically match the header of the report with the existing metrics in the system.
3. Select filters from the left side to create your custom report.
(1) Select Report Type. It currently supports Store Report, Product Report and Employee Sales Report.
(2) Select Store, Product and Seller Account needed to summarize according to Report Type.
(3) Select Statistical Dimension:
‒ Sales Metrics Changes
Applicable for store report. Compare multiple metrics of selected seller accounts/stores/marketplacesby date.
Applicable for employee sales report. Compare a single sales metric of multiple employees by date.
‒ Sales Summary
Applicable for store report. Compare multiple metrics of multiple seller accounts/stores/marketplaces over the same period of time.
Applicable for employee sales report. Compare multiple metrics of multiple employees over the same period of time.
‒ Product Metric Report
Applicable for product report. Compare a single metric of multiple products by date.
‒ Product Metric Summary
Applicable for product report. Compare multiple metrics of multiple products over the same period of time.
(4) Select Time Period (day, week, month, quarter) and Comparison Method (YoY, Pop, Discrepancy)
(5) Select Metrics. It currently supports 29 metrics.
Ratings, Return Qty., Net Sales, Avg. Price, Conversion Rate, Impressions, CVR, TACOS, Orders, Net Units Sold, Cost, Return Rate, Buy Box Percentage, Ad Clicks, Percentage of Ad Orders, Current Price Range, Total Sales, Gross Profit, Sessions, Ad Cost, CTR, Ad Sales, Total Units Sold, Refund, Profit Margin, Page Views, ACOS, Ad Orders and Percentage of Ad Sales.
(6) You can preview the report on the right side. Click Save and rename the report.
If you have no idea how to set up a custom report template, you can directly use Tool4seller report templates set up by store, employee and product respectively. You only need to select stores, employees and product which you need to summarize.
1. Your template will appear in the "My Reports" after saving, and you can click it to view real data.
2. You can change time range and currency units on the left top and export the report on the right top.
Reports now supports user account to access. However, user accounts are unable to access any store data by default to ensure the data security. Only primary account admins can give data permissions to user accounts. For how to enable this setting, follow these steps:
1. Click on Avater of primary account (left corner) and select "User Account Permission"
2. Click the "Manage Permission" of the user account which you wants to enable permission.
3. Select stores on the left side and then navigate to the right and click "View Only". Then user account will have data permission of these stores.
(Note: Note: If you want to enable data permission for multiple stores, click "Bulk Manage".)
4. If you want to enable data permission at product level, select stores, click “Product Permission Settings” and click "Enable Permission Settings".