Umgekehrtes ASIN-Keyword

Example: {{ $t('keywordQuery_DEMO') }} Example: {{ $t('keywordQuery_DEMO_02') }}
Discover the real Amazon research results of keywords to bring up exposure with organic non-paid traffic or run cost-effective PPC with high-output keywords
{{ $t('keywordQuery_searchResult_asin', { n: popList.length } ) }}
{{ productInfo.title }}
{{ $t("_COMMON_TH_C_ASIN") }} {{ $t('_COMMON_SYMBOL_COLON') }} {{ productInfo.asin }}
{{ $t("_COMMON_TH_P_ASIN") }} {{ $t('_COMMON_SYMBOL_COLON') }} {{ productInfo.parentAsin }}
{{ $t("keywordQuery_salesVol") }} {{ $t('_COMMON_SYMBOL_COLON') }}
{{ $t("global_asinDetail_field_BuyBox") }} {{ $t('_COMMON_SYMBOL_COLON') }} ${{ productInfo.buyBoxPrice }}
{{ $t("global_asin_bsr_new") }} {{ $t('_COMMON_SYMBOL_COLON') }} #{{ productInfo.bsr }} in {{ productInfo.category || '' }}
{{ $t('keywordQuery_searchResult_keywords', { n: checkTotal }) }}
{{ item.label }}
{{ items.keyword }}
{{ $t(keywordOptionsObj[item] || item) }}
{{ $t('_COMMON_ACTION_BUTTON_UNFOLD') }}({{ items.type.length - 3 }})
{{ formatUSD(items.monthSearchVolume) }}
{{ $t('_DAILY_LISTING_REPORT_RANK_POS', { p1: items.monthSearchRank }) }}
{{ formatUSD( }}
{{ initChart(items.trends, 'tubiao-main' + indexs) }}
{{ items.supplyDemandRatio }}
${{ items.bidding }}
(${{ items.minBidding }} - ${{ items.maxBidding }})
{{ formatUSD(items.adTotal) }}


1.What can Reverse ASIN Keyword do for me?

Leverage your competitors' keyword strategies and know traffic share trends to improve your listings and PPC campaigns.

2.Where does keyword data come from?

Tool4seller's self-developed algorithm and Amazon Brand Analytic reports.

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