Key Points to Amazon Seller Appeal & Performance Measurement 【I】


As a platform that places great emphasis on maintaining the trust of satisfied buyers, Amazon has established several performance metrics so that buyers can shop with a sense of security when they order from third party sellers.

For each item sold on Amazon, all sellers should strive to achieve and maintain a level of customer service that meets the following seller performance targets:

Order defect rate: < 1%

Pre-fulfillment cancel rate: < 2.5%

Late shipment rate: < 4%

Order Defect Rate (ODR): This metric indicates that the percentage of your orders that have received negative feedback regarding the product, an A-to-Z Guarantee claims, or a credit card chargeback.

Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: This refers to the number of order cancellations done by the seller before the item shipment is confirmed divided by the total number of orders within a certain period of time.

Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate = (Cancelled Orders) / (Total Number of Orders).

When calculating this metric, Amazon counts all order cancellations initiated by the seller for any reason, except for those requested by buyers using the order cancellation options in their Amazon account. (Pending orders cancelled by buyers directly on are also excluded)

Late Shipment Rate: This metric indicates the number of orders that are confirmed for the shipment after the expected shipping date divided by the total number of orders in the relevant time period.

Refers to the number of seller-fulfilled orders that have not been confirmed for the shipment before the expected ship date divided by the total number of seller-fulfilled orders in the relevant time period.

Delay in confirming the order for shipment might increase customer contacts and negatively impact the shopping experience of customers.

If the selling privileges have been restricted or removed as a result of the fact that you failed to reach the target rates in the above three primary performance metrics set by Amazon, what should we pay attention to in terms of appeal? First of all, let’s take a look at the steps of appeal for reinstatement in our next blog.


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A best-in-class Amazon seller tool that is specialized in sales& profits analytics, PPC optimization, keyword research, competitor tracking, instant alerts for listing hijacking, price changing, and inventory updates, etc.