Ad Keyword Position Locker can help your sponsored products under exact match manual campaigns get the placements you want, saving your time and energy of manually checking multiple ad ranking positions and adjusting bids.
You need to use Ad Keyword Position Locker along with Tool4seller website and extension. Based on Tool4seller extension, you can get the sponsored keyword rank with high frequency (1 time/15 minutes) and adjust the bid of keyword according to the bids settings and expected ad position you set on tool4seller website until your product shows and be locked on the targeted sponsored placements.
(This feature requires the use of both the Tool4seller web version and the browser extension. This tool, based on the keyword rank data fetched by the Tool4seller extension (every 15 mins), will continuously adjust the bid according to your setting on Tool4seller website until your product reach your set position.)
How to operate:
(1) Install Tool4seller chrome extension and login your account, and finish Amazon store and ads authorization in Tool4seller before you use the locker.
(2)Find the Tool4seller extension icon in the browser, click the icon to open the extension and open the “Ad Keyword Position Locker”.
(3)Enable “Ad Keyword Position Locker”automation and read the below instructions carefully.
If the monitoring under the Ad Keyword Position Locker was created(If you create the Ad Keyword Position Locker
automation), the extension will automatically fetch the sponsored ad rank data of corresponding keyword and operate based on your settings.
Tips: Please keep the chrome open and your computer not in sleep mode.
2. Make automation setting in tool4seller website.
(1) Login tool4seller website, and find “Ad Keyword Position Locker” in PPC Optimization.