Competitor Tracking
Keep track of any ASIN and know its changes over time
Tool4seller's new feature - Competitor Tracking helps you monitor any changes in product listings. Keep you informed of critical changes with instant APP notifications.

Monitor daily changes of product metrics
Search an ASIN and add it to your tracking list. Just that easy!
- Track and analyze how the changes in the product's Best Sellers Rank, historical prices, rank, and lightning deals affect the sales.
- Monitor competitors' changes and get instant alerts. Support for mobile and PC.

Stay updated with changes with your competitors
Get instant alerts with APP notifications
- Competitor Tracking is available on both mobile and PC.
- Stay updated with changes in product's pricing or listing status. Know when the product is running promotions. Never miss any listing changes with APP notifications.
Have competitors' historical data at a glance
See historical changes with visualized graphs to understand your competitors
- Tool4seller provides product changes since the product's date first available.
- Know your competitor's operation strategy with its historical data and optimize your own.

Track your competitors
Grasp a full picture of the historical changes and uncover your competitor's strategy
- Dive deeper and view changes in pricing, titles, product main images, and more on a graph to understand the product’s competitive landscape.
- Analyze your competitors with Best Sellers Rank . Help you outperform your competitors.